Marcus is a Professor of Bio-Engineering at Stanford University who studies Systems and Synthetic Biology. His faith...
Editor’s Picks Podcasts
Eric: A Mixed-Faith Home, Divorced Parents, and Loss : Choosing a Faithful Narrative
Raised in a mixed-faith home, Eric shares how he discovered his personal conversion to the Gospel despite the...
Leif Mattsson (Sweden): Research Helped Me Nurture My Faith and Nurture Others
For Leif Mattsson, building the kingdom has meant not only appreciating his heritage of faith and walking three miles...
Ben W: How My Faith Crisis Made Me a Stronger, More Introspective Person
As Ben’s faith matured because of a paradigm shift, he had to step back and analyze the difference between emotional...
Samuel Hoglund (Sweden): Searching for Knowledge Saved My Shaken Faith
As a third-generation member of the Church in Sweden, Samuel enjoyed an idyllic childhood and adolescence full of...
Rachael: Managing Clinical Depression and Anxiety with Hope
After Rachael was diagnosed with depression and anxiety, it took a life-threatening cancer diagnosis to help her feel...
Emily Jordan: Using the Atonement for the Pain of Miscarriage
Emily Jordan’s miscarriage stunned her because of how unprepared she was for both the emotional and spiritual pain...
Becca: How a Lawyer and Mother Balances the Life of the Heart and the Life of the Mind
As Becca reflects on her family life and the uncertainty of her developmental experiences, she contemplates how...
Scott: Coping with a Father’s Alcoholism
Scott shares his experiences as the child of an alcoholic father to illustrate how even difficult experiences can be...
Sara W: How Simple Faith Helped with the Complexity of a Son’s Cancer Diagnosis
Sara’s story highlights the fact that our faith doesn’t necessarily require a breaking point in order to consistently...
Nita: How Getting my Phd Helped Me Articulate and Defend My Faith
When Nita grappled with the tensions that surfaced when her family life and faith were different than she expected,...
Kevin C: A Musician’s Experience with the Loss of a Child to Cancer
Losing a daughter to cancer was the most difficult experience of Kevin’s life, but he shares how learning to deal with...