Podcast Podcasts

Terryl Givens Part One: My Personal Story of Continually Restructured Testimony

In a rare, personal interview about his childhood and teenage years, Terryl Givens recounts how his family encountered the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ and what originally attracted him to the faith when he was a teenager. He also shares a personal account of how writing By the Hand of Mormon both challenged and sustained his faith.

Marie Hafen: Creating a Family Culture that Nurtures Complex Faith

Sister Hafen is the co-author of Faith Is Not Blind and was on the Young Women General Board. As the mother of seven children, she found ways to create a comfortable environment for her children to develop their own faith in a safe space. She discusses how she tried to nurture and teach her children in a home where they could learn how to deal with complexity and feel free to openly discuss their beliefs and doubts.

Missy: When a Parent Chooses to Leave The Church

Missy’s whole world changed when her Dad chose to leave the church and her Mom chose to stay. The stark contrasts that existed in her home gradually taught Missy to stop seeing in black and white and to learn to love her Dad unconditionally rather than to judge his choices. This new willingness to see and to accept the “gray areas” strengthened not only her relationship with her Dad but also her relationship with Heavenly Father. Missy’s story helps to demonstrate how we can learn to see our loved ones through God’s eyes regardless of the choices they make, and how God’s eyes can teach us to see these people with hope and charity rather than with judgment or criticism.


As a trial lawyer, Bill has a unique perspective about using the concept of the burden of proof when doing religious research. Drawing on their years of legal experience, Elder Hafen and Bill discuss how to weigh evidence and listen to both sides as a juror might in a court case. Bill also shares how his battle with cancer expanded the strength of revelatory evidence in his life.