Uncertainty Podcasts

Erica: How a Questioner Learned that She Belongs and Can Thrive in the Church

Since she was little, Erica has always appreciated the value of asking sincere religious questions. Unfortunately, she has experienced a variety of responses to her questions, some of which made her feel like perhaps she didn’t belong in the church. Erica shares how her relationships with others have been both challenged and ultimately strengthened as she has learned how to use the process of seeking answers to her questions to develop her relationship with her Heavenly Parents.

Leo: My Reconversion from Atheist to Believer

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9lLsOs-13Q  Leo’s testimony was shattered when he discovered some details he hadn’t known about Church History. Learn about how he rebuilt his testimony with the help of his old religion professor so that it became more nuanced,...